Hall of Fame - Lifetime Achievement

This category seeks to recognize "Notable contribution to R. A. Long High School and prominent in their professional, personal, and inspirational achievements. This category includes a coach, pioneer, administrator, teacher, graduate, or supporter. Candidate is not required to have participated in sports or activities nor attended R. A. Long." Note: This category may not have award recipients every year.
Induction Year: 2012
Clinton (Clint) B. Sayler (1950)
Induction Year: 2011
Holly Bishop (1944)
Wilbur Fix (1945)
C. Jerry Sells (1955)
Induction Year: 2009
Dennis Weber (1970)
Hal Riney (1950)
Jackie Slechta (Coach)
Induction Year: 2008
Dr. Bruce Blackstone (1970)
Gary Bryson (1962)
Dr. James Ford (1945)